Milica Jablancic
Om meg
Milica Jablancic
- Om meg:
- Too friendly,cheerful,always smiling and positive...I would love to have friends around the world and meet different culture and customs because I have no prejudices about people from other countries
- Bor i:
- Serbia
- Språk:
- English, Serbian
- Ser etter:
- Venner, Dating, Forretningskontakter
- Alder:
- 37 år
- Grupper:
- Greece, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Swaziland, Switzerland, Piraeus, Venice, Geneva, Zürich
- Interesser:
- Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Dining out, Music, Sailing/Boating, Shopping, Volunteer/Community Activities, Dancing, Jogging, Swimming, Volleyball, I like to help older people in need...
- Favorittmusikk:
- Rap, hip-hop
- Favorittfilmer:
- Cartoons
- Favorittbøker:
- I like reading all...
- Ting jeg liker:
- I like long walks,listening to music,photography in general
- Ting jeg hater:
- Persons without a SMILE on your face :)))))
- Sivilstatus:
- Single
- Firma/Institusjon:
- Friend photo
- Yrke:
- I work as a photographer
- Virksomhetsområde:
- Serbia
- abadi senani
happy new year
i wish you a prosperous and beautiful new year, may god shower
hispeace, mercy and blessings upon you andyour family - Slettet bruker
love you too dear :))
- Slettet bruker
i already said YES cici !!!