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good salary for living in bahrain

Dodane na Bahrajn forum

I got a job in bahrain with 1200 BD salary...is this a good salary....(i intend to save 300bd) per month....can i afford a single room with this limit

  • Idź do Abdul Basit Ansari profilu

    dodane przez  w  Bahrajn forum 

    Dear Usman,

    hope ur fine, This is Abdul Basit from Karachi, Pakistan.
    Congrajutalion for ur job, in which field or industery u got a job. i also searching job in UAE. but still not have a job. colud u help me or guied me how can i get the good job in any UAE state.

    i have 10 years of Experience in IT / Comuter field. so if u have any vancay reagardnig me field kindly inform me, i will be very thank full to u.

    Thanks and looking forwawrd to u,

    Abdul Basit Ansari

  • dodane przez  w  Bahrajn forum 

    Dear Sir,
    I have the honour to inform you that I would like to get a job in Bahrain. I am Bachelor of Arts and Education, and M.A in English Language. I hve been serving at a graduate College as an english teacher in Bangladesh for 16 years. At Present I hold the post of Assistant Professor of English. I request you to take up necessary steps for my appointment in Bahrain.

    Md. Habibur Rahman

  • Idź do Usman Usmani profilu

    dodane przez  w  Bahrajn forum 


    Thanks a lot for your input...it has helped me to make a better decision....

  • dodane przez  w  Bahrajn forum 

    Hi Usman,

    First off, your salary would allow you to save BD 300 monthly.Your paycheck is slightly above the average here. Rent would cost you around BD 350 - 450 monthly for a single bedroom apartment. Your average shopping/ grocery expense would reach 250 BD and transportation would cost you around 120 BD monthly, if you plan to rent a vehicle or purchase a decent sedan thru a car loan. Bear in mind any other incidental expenses, especially if you are new to the mid east. Hope this helps.


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