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Why not cook with olive oil?

Dodane na Helsinki forum

I was wondering why people from the north cook with margarine instead of olive oil? In Spain I use olive oil on a daily basis to cook and I feel so much better. With olive oil you can reduce your cholesterol and it helps to prevent some diseases. I think you are living a better life using olive oil. What's your opinion on this?

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  • Kumar Singh

    dodane przez  w  Helsinki forum 

    hi..wot do mean by people from the North?
    Anyway, in the Kitchen Gastronomy we ve got couple of main bases to add/ enhance the flavour of particular dishes:
    Bases: Lard fat, Butter/ Margarine, Gelatine, Stock ( Meat/veg/seafood), Monosodium Glutamate
    Therfore I assume that those people are using margarine just to add flavour to their dishes which unfortunately has negative effects within excessive use.
    I would suggest to use vegetable oil ( soybean, sunflower) according to this proportion: (1/4 margarine + 3/4 veg oil). Simultaneously you will be adding flavour and consuming less margarine which is the main root for cardiovascular disease.

    HOWEVER, If everyone can afford to use OLIVE OIL for cooking like BARBARA ( lol ) , LUCKY YOU!!

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