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Hej- Lessons in SFI

Dodane na Szwecja forum

Hej everybody,
I'm moving to Sweden next month. I'm a software engineer I am looking for a job positionin Sweden but the problem I have found is the swedish language (it is required in almost all jobs). Also other problem is the swedish ID-number that I don't have it yet. I have heard about the SFI lessons. Can anyone help me with more information about it? And also, how can I get this ID-number?

Tack så mycket.

  • Idź do noemi boix profilu

    dodane przez  w  Szwecja forum 

    Thanks very much @My de Silva. Now I have it more clear :)

  • My de Silva

    dodane przez  w  Szwecja forum 

    Its free to learn swedish with SFI. yes swedish is used in most jobs in sweden. its only in international companies they use english. you can apply for swedish ID in the tax office "Skatteverket" in some selected cities. good luck!

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