2023 8th International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (icsree 2023)
ICSREE 2023 is co-organized by ICUBE, University of Strasbourg, CNRS, INSA, ENGEES, and Société Française de Thermique (The French Society of Thermal Sciences), co-sponsored by University of Salamanca and University of Tainan, technically supported by other universities over the world.
Accepted and register full papers will be published in Energy Reports (ISSN: 2352-4847)
Impact Factor: 4.937 | CiteScore: 4.5
Abstracting & Indexing:
● Science Citation Index Expanded
● Ei Compendex
● Scopus
● Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Conference Committees
• General Chair
Monica Siroux, INSA Strasbourg ICUBE, University of Strasbourg
• Program Chair
David T.W. Lin, University of Tainan
Nezihe Ayas, Eskisehir Technical University
Jian Lin, University of Strabourg
• Program Co-Chairs
Yingchen Yang, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Hongqi Sun, Edith Cowan University
• Steering Committees
Lluís Soler, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Jesus Toribio, University of Salamanca
• Publicity Chair
Adriano Péres, Federal University of Santa Catarina
For more committees, you can learn through: http://www.icsree.com/committee.html
Pulication History:
ICSREE 2022 Proceedings will be published by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, eISSN: 1755-1315, Volume 1050 (2022). Indexed by Scopus already!
ICSREE 2021 Proceedings published by E3S Web of Conferences (Open Access proceedings in Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences), eISSN: 2267-1242, Volume 294 (2021).
ICSREE 2020 Proceedings published by E3S Web of Conferences (Open Access proceedings in Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences), eISSN: 2267-1242, Volume 181 (2020). Indexed by EI and Scopus already!
Contact Us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Caroline Zhang
Email: icsree@chairmen.org
Sara Pan