Miguel A
O mnie
Miguel A
- Zainteresowania:
- Animals/Pets, Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Religion/Spiritual, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Harp, fly kites at night, writing stories, film making.
- Ulubiona muzyka:
- All music, except Cow Music
- Ulubione filmy:
- Mostly films that have no weapons or killing devices in them, and on top of that, they are touching and intelligent. Films that make humans better, not worse.
- Rzeczy które lubię:
- Presence, smiles, hugs, good and intelligent open conversations, and every time nature, people or animals show their soul.
- Rzeczy których nienawidze:
- Smokers and stupidity, specially if they go together. Unrestrained ego and disrespect. Coconut taste.
- Stan cywilny:
- Wolny