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German course in Frankfurt

Postado em Frankfurt forum

Hey everybody!
I'm thinking of going to Frankfurt for a time to improve my German.
Does anyone of you know a good address for a German course for foreigners in Frankfurt? I'm searching for one that has a small number of students so that you have to speak a lot.

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  • Ref: Integration Courses

    Postado por Usuario deletado em Frankfurt forum 

    Hi Raquelle, can you tell me more about this integration courses? I went to the website but it's all in german and all I found was a list of all the german schools here in Frankfurt like VHS, Berlitz etc.
    How does it work to get the subsidiarization? do you sign to any of those schools and tell them you want the integration courses? or after you pay so get reimboursed?
    Anything you can tell me will be very helpful.


  • Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 




  • Magdalena K

    Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Perfect Lingua
    Niedenau 39
    60325 Frankfurt


  • Blizzy Everhard

    Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    There is a good school called Tandem for German courses in Frankfurt. These are the courses they describe on their website:

    German Compact Courses

    The German classes (usually in the afternoon) are designed to thoroughly build up your German. The courses are for participants who intend to learn German for several months in a systematic way and take place in groups of 10 to 16 students. We offer all levels, from beginners' to advanced. A German Compact Course will develop your linguistic comprehension in terms of reading and listening.

    You will train your communicational abilities, as well as phonetics and your grammar skills. You may combine a German Compact Course with an additional program. Every Wednesday there are free cultural activities and a linguistic training program.

    Schedule (16 units per week): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 01.30 pm – 05.00 pm
    German Compact Plus Course

    These German Intensive Courses are offered at certain course dates. Classes are from Monday to Friday and on all levels, from beginners' to advanced. These courses will systematically develop your linguistic comprehension in terms of reading and listening and will train your speaking and writing skills. A German Compact Course - Plus prepares you for exams such as «Zertifikat Deutsch» or «Mittelstufendiplom» and is designed for students who wish to study more intensively and/or aim for entering a German univeristy.

    Schedule (20 units per week): Monday to Friday 09.00 am - 12.30 pm
    German Combined-Plus Courses

    Our students attend German lessons in the morning and afternoon. Each section contains one German Compact Course, with different language requirements. Please note, that beginners can only attend a combined course from the second month on.

    Schedule (36 units per week):
    Morning: Monday - Friday, afternoon: Monday to Friday
    09.00 am - 12.30 pm and 01.30 pm - 05.00 pm (8x45 minutes)
    Summer Program German

    In July and August we offer an interesting program in addition to the compact or combined classes, including cultural and leisure activities (e.g. sightseeing in Frankfurt, visiting various institutions, seminars and excursions 1-2 times a week). Depending on the interests of participants, we can arrange weekend trips, for instance to Heidelberg or Cologne.

  • Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Well, at an Arbeitsagentur you basically show up and sign up as unemployed (you can do so as a EU citizen). In theory, they then look for a job for you, but in reality, they will probably find nothing (especially for foreigners). You can check them at www.arbeitsagentur.de.

  • Ricardo Fernández

    Thank you Daniel

    Postado por  Ricardo Fernández em Frankfurt forum 

    Thank you Daniel for the reply. So, I will take a look to other Agencies.

    Anyway, How it works an Arbeitsagentur?

    Thank you.

  • Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Hi Ricardo! Don't expect to much of the German Jobagentur (they're now called Arbeitsagentur, before they were called Arbeitsamt). The Arbeitsagentur is not really helpful when it comes to finding jobs for foreigners in Frankfurt, so you will probably have to look for yourself.

  • Ricardo Fernández

    Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Hello Gonzalo:

    Thank you very much for your e-mail. I´m really grateful for that.

    I´m going to Frankfurt to work and study German Language but to be honest, in a time what I would like to do is improving my knowledge in the international area in any university and in companies overthere. I know that things are not easy in any country, but I will try to do overthere.

    By the way, how do you get your barman job? I think firstly I have to go to the Jobagentur. How it works overthere?

    Thank you Gonzalo and anyway, I will visit your Restaurant overthere.

    Best regards.


  • Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Hey again!
    Well, for my part, I really like living here! Yeah, it's a bit different compared to life in Spain, but if you know some cool people you can definitely have fun here! I do know some German, so I can do small talk, but almost all the younger people here have a quite good knowledge of English.

    Keep in mind that if you're a student, you can only do a certain amount of part time work per year.
    About the university I don't know that much, but maybe you find some information here: http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/english/international/students/s

    Good luck!


  • Ricardo Fernández

    Postado por  em Frankfurt forum 

    Hello Gonzalo:

    I´m glad to know that it´s not so difficult to look for a job overthere. No, I can´t speak German. I have just start learning. I have been learning since one year now. Are you okey in Frankfurt? I think living is quite different in Deutschland. How is the part time job there?

    By the way, Gonzalo, do you know something about the university overthere? I´m looking for an International Course.

    Best regards.


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