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Ghosts in Talinn?

Опубликовано в форум в Эстония

I met couple of Estonians and they all seemed very practical, down-to-earth people. The bigger was my surprise when I found out they believe in ghosts! Almost like as is it was not normal not to have a ghost :-)

Do most of the Estonians believe that ghosts exist? I mean, really?

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  • Зайти в профиль Wout Verlinden

    опубликовал  в форум в Эстония 

    Hello Ulrik,

    The belief in ghosts and all kinds of "paranormal acticity" is certainly much higher than the belief in God, but I wouldn't say that most Estonians truly belief in them.

    Let's very roughly say 5% believe in a God and 45% believe in ghosts ;).

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