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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

Poslané v Fórum Švajčiarsko

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • Inga Bukovska

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    I`m here since August and have the same problem. Still haven`t found real friends and so. Are there any ``meetings`` or something?
    Have a great day,

  • zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Hi everyone :)
    I was on Liechtenstein's forum but there is so quiet there so I decided to write here. How is life in here? I mean, is it hard to make friends, yeah, I read a few of your replies but I want to know if someone was in Li and how is it there. Is it be okay, if for example I join new people in the bar, who seem fine? Or is it will be wrong? I'm thinking about moving to Li after Uni, coz I love such small villages with climate and ... I just like this coutry very much. I havent been there yet, but I'm sure I will for for a trip there soon.

    Let me know guys, what you think.

    I wrote about Li here, coz it's like canton of Switzerland - obviously it's not, but it's something like that.


  • zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    But i think you shouldn't compare the american mentality with the european.. american people are just more open then european, if you're here in belgium standing in a line, and you start talking to the people around you, they'll all look at you like you're crazy..
    or try to stop the conversation as fast as possible..
    but how can you not make friends?? you just have to go out! even if you're alone, you'll meet some people, for sure.. i got to know alot of swiss people, during my stays there..
    grtz alex

  • zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Hi everbody
    I'm Swiss and live in the center of Switzerland. I guess the discussion did not start without reason. Even though I grew up in Switzerland and speak the language I find it hard to make friends here. Of course it is probably not easy at all to build up a really deep friendship anywhere on this planet. But in Switzerland I find it hard to even get in contact with new people.
    I've visited a lot of other countries. I've been to California for about 20 times. I've just returned from Los Angeles where I spent Christmas. I found it a lot easier to share thoughts in everyday situations. For example when you stand in line and time seems to pass very slowly people start talking to each other. The Swiss would probably call that a superficial conversation. That might be. But I guess it's still better than not to say anything or react strangly intimidated when I stranger ask you something.
    But hey thats just my point of view :-)

  • Prejdite na profil steven wenger

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    hi again flo regina your expierience must be just horible to write a book about what they made to you im sorry that you lost 7 years in this country and i which you good luck in the place you live now hope you win back all this losten 7 years and find a lot of friends,i can say to you i was just in a country on vacation it was even colder weather but people where so nice i meet more people in the 9 days i was in this vacations than in all the years im in switzerland.
    happy new year to you and to the rest of the people here hope new year makes feel all of you better,cherrs for a new year of better treatment to foraigners less xenophobie,more love and fun.

  • Prejdite na profil steven wenger

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    sorry to replay first now i was a lot on travels and busy just my last travels showed me how much easier is to meet people in other places and how people are just much more relaxed open and fun than the bunzli swissies now im here again in this dull switzerland hoping than at new year at list hapens something but im sure the swissies will be just the same boring like other new years parties i last years.

  • Prejdite na profil Flo Regina

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Dear Steven, I have had similar experience as you in Switzerland...I was really surprise how people behave. I am italian and I do not think that the true italian in Switzerland are so well integrated as you said. I used to live in Switzerland for 7 years and I was so shock that I wrote a book about how bad I felt in this country: 'paradise apparently, welcome to Switzerland'
    Thank you Steven, you remind me that I am not alone.
    Flo Regina

  • Prejdite na profil Jim Jackson

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Dear Abdullah, just go to youtube and type " racism in Switzerland" and you will see what I am talking about. Also try the same on google.

  • Prejdite na profil Roger B

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Thanks for making that point. As one of the debaters that probably is responsible that the discussion has been carried away, being the "enthusiastic" debater that I am, I would nonetheless like to stress my initial point about Switzerland and how to make friends.

    First, don't mistaken the hardship of making friends as geared against foreigners. It's something the Swiss have. We are reserved, most of us adore their private space. Second, the general population is not very comfortable speaking foreign languages. While Switzerland might be multi-lingual most people speak only to a limited level foreign languages (be this French, English or any other language). English in particular is something very new to most and has been mandatory in schools for now like 12-15 years, meaning up from people in their late twenties the fluency in English is not the highest (except if they have graduated from college or been to the "gymnasion", but not even that ensures this).

    Last but not least, don't be put off by the difficulties, be active and don't wait for the Swiss to go out themselves (you might find some that are that way, but it's better to be pro-active, and don't take winning a battle as having won the war - meaning hanging out with work collegues at a bar doesn't mean necessarily anything at all).

  • Prejdite na profil Abdullah JALLAD

    zaslal  v Fórum Švajčiarsko 

    Dear Jim,
    This vidoe does not show me is just some of pictures and paintings for the swiss flag and so on.....but it does not show me the real life which from it i could decide if there is a real racism or not....

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