Poslané v Fórum Svet
Help us improve the Just Landed Community! We're looking for feedback, critizism or suggestions for future enhancements.
If you find any bugs or things that seem to wrong, please post them in this discussion as well. When posting a bug (problem), please tell us which browser you're using.
Please post your feedback in English so other community members can understand it as well. Thanks!
Vymazaný užívateľ
zaslal Volker Bohmer v Fórum Svet
Hi Daniel,
you need to check whether Javascript is enabled (and show a message). Otherwise the selection of the language, sports, interests, etc. is not possible.
VolkerOnline Status
zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Svet
Hehehe, I agree with Volker. Kind of makes sense, doesn't it? ;-)
Online Status
zaslal Volker Bohmer v Fórum Svet
Hi Daniel,
I would show the online status. In the privacy settings I would give the user the chance to either show status to
* all members who are logged in (default)
* only my friends
* be invisible
Then it becomes a chat platform.
zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Svet
Hi Volker, thanks for the feedback!
For the message deletion, there is a confirmation alert when you click directly on the delete button (red cross) in the message overview, but there is no confirmation when you click "Delete" in the message itself or in the dropdown. We will change this.
As for pictures and fotos, we're planning a new application which will include the features you mentioned. However, this is scheduled for a later release once the base functionality is stable.
You can already see who has visited your profile on your homepage (unless people have chosen not to show this in their privacy settings).
As for the current online status of users, we decided not to include this since we were not sure if people really wanted to show other members when they're online. However, this could be fixed by an additional pricacy setting. If anyone has some opinion on this, please post it here.
Bilder und Bildbewertung, Onlineanzeige, Besucheranzeige (Feature Request)
zaslal Volker Bohmer v Fórum Svet
momentan erfreuen sich Seiten Beliebtheit, bei denen man kleine Bilder von sich hochladen kann und die Bilder von anderen bewerten kann. Im russischen Netz sind http://odnoklassniki.ru/ der Renner, aber nur auf russisch verfügbar. Mit http://de.babelfish.yahoo.com/ kann man die Seite beim Browsen übersetzen oder auch http://translate.eu/de/translators/Russian-German . Ein weiteres nettes Feature ist die Angabe, dass jemand gerade online auf der Seite ist. Man sieht also, wer von den Freunden online ist oder man kann sich die Bilder von Fremden ansehen, die gerade online sind. Der Regionalbezug kommt über die Registrierung über die Schule (wie bei StudiVZ) und würde hier auch sehr gut funktionieren. Weiterhin sieht man, wer auf den eigenen Seiten gewesen ist (kann auch Xing).
Ideen gibt es viele ...
zaslal Volker Bohmer v Fórum Svet
Hi Daniel,
ein Papierkorb für Messages wäre nicht schlecht. Man kann sich leicht zwischen Archiv und Löschen verklicken und es gibt nach der Dropdown Box keine Sicherheitsabfrage. Alternativ kann bei Auswahl von Löschen gefragt werden, ob wirklich gelöscht werden soll oder nach der Auswahl von Archiv/Löschen die Aktion erst ausgeführt werden, wenn ein (neuer) Button gedrückt wird.
zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Svet
Hi Aaron, you can change between your communities by clicking on the little icon to the right of the "change"-link in the location of the header. In the dropdown you get, you can also set your home community to which you will be automatically taken after your login.
To join additional communities, you need to click directly on the "change" button after the location.
You currently automatically get assigned to the communities of the person that invited you. However, we already heard from other users that this is not optimal in many cases - so we will change the process.
@Klemens: The reason we didn't directly link the links is because many spammers try to use forums for search engine optimization. However we will rediscuss this and see if we can find another solution.
Thanks to everybody and keep the feedback going - this is really helping us to improve our application!
zaslal Aaron Imperiale v Fórum Svet
Dr. Dan: I am a part of the "German" and "World" forums; this is OK, but I do not know how that happened. Should I not also be a part of the "US" or "Washington" communities...??
Web links nicht verlinkt
zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Svet
Hi Daniel,
die http:-links scheinen im Forum nicht verlinkt zu sein (siehe deine Antwort im Forum "English speaking doctor in Frankfurt"). Verlinkung würde die Nutzung sehr viel bequemer machen...
Look around ...
zaslal Vymazaný užívateľ v Fórum Svet
Thanks for the feedback Olivia!
We could easily put the "look around" in the options. However, the reason we put in the option is to later put up a filter option in the people search (so you can for example only search for people who are interested in business contacts). "Just look around" however is not something very specific.
On the other hand, the options for what you are on Just Landed for are optional, so we thought that somebody who doesn't look for anything specific would simply click nothing (which make clear he's just looking around ;o).
This is always a hard decision: Of course we want to give people all options they need, but at the same time we don't want to put up too many options as this makes the forms bigger and harder to understand (which is why we spend hours debating each field ;o)
Anyone else got any opionion on this?
The "favorite" has probably something to do with the majority of the British compared to the US-Americans at our office, but we will check on this ;o)
To Claudia: The name search is a good idea and has been added on our list of things to implement, thanks!