Feed My Starving Children MobilePack


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Albert D Lawton Intermediate

104 Maple Street, Essex Junction, Vermont, 05452, United States Map

With Love From Vermont partners with Feed My Starving Children to empower individuals, families, churches and community groups to volunteer for one or more fast-paced, fun, and rewarding two-hour packing session. There are volunteer jobs for every ability and age but volunteers must be at least 5 Yrs. We will pack 100,000 specially formulated, life saving meals for starving children to add to the 1.3 million meals we have shipped through FMSC trusted partners already working with children in villages, orphanages, hospitals, etc. Packing shifts are 7:30-9:30 pm Friday Oct 20, and 9-11 am and 12-2pm on Saturday Oct 21. There is also a set up shift on Friday at 4:30 and a take down shift at 2pm Saturday. Can't make the MobilePack? You can donate to help us purchase the food that will be packed. We need to raise $30,000. $106 feeds a child for a year. All donations go to purchasing the rice, soy, veggies, and vitamins we will pack. We will also collect non-perishable goods to distribute to a local food shelf.

Category: Community | Fundraisers | Charities

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