Robb Gambrell

О мени

Robb Gambrell
 Robb Gambrell
О мени:
I am a God fearing man who enjoys life and love making and meeting new friends, i have been separated for 4 years now and i think i need someone that's gonna love me and be with me for the rest of my life.......................
Место пребивалишта:
United States
Интересују Вас:
Пријатељи, Познанства
Australia, United States, Georgia


Animals/Pets, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Baseball, Biking, Pool/Snooker, I am on here to makes new friends i need a business partner and also searching for REAL LOVE
Омиљена музика:
R n B
Омиљене књиге:
The beautiful ones are not yet born
Ствари које ми се свиђају:
cooking,swimming and chilling
Ствари које не волим:
Lies and Chearters
Статус везе: