Mindful Meditation Two Day Retreat


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St John's College,

St Giles', Oxford, England, OX1 3JP, United Kingdom Map

A unique opportunity to stay two nights, Friday 30th and Saturday 31st August, in St John's College, Oxford, and enjoy seven workshops over Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September, in Mindful Meditation, Mindful Movement, and Deep Relaxation. Alternatively, you can attend the course on both days without being residential in college. This retreat is suitable for all levels of experience. With an optional visit to a concert/choral evensong at Christ Church College, breakfast in the magnificent college hall, and time to explore the city. Maximum of 12 participants. £128 for the course, £172 for an en-suite college room and breakfast in college. £300 total cost (plus booking fee). Workshops will be led by Jacci Bulman, (Dip. D. Y. Th, CMT, BA Hons), a qualified 'Mindfulness Now' mindful meditation teacher and yoga therapist. There will be chance to practice mindful walking in the beautiful college gardens, and time for silence as well as discussions, in a gentle, relaxed atmosphere. Time to learn about 'being' rather than 'doing' and enjoy this refreshing time out from hectic life, to simply be now.

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2484201-0?pid=5072

Category: Community | Religion and Spirituality | Meditation and Yoga

Price: General Admission: GBP 300.00

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