Spiritismx 2024: All We Need is Love
Kardec Group invites you to SPIRITISMx, a seminar of short and insightful talks that helps us reflect on our spirituality and personal development, looking at various topics from within the view of the Spiritist teachings.
SPIRITISMx 2024: All We Need is Love will give us the opportunity to understand the power of love, and how it can contribute to our individual journeys and our self-improvement.
Join us in Oxford on Saturday 29th June and Sunday 30th June for short talks, meditations and the Allan Kardec Film Festival, a cultural exhibition of films relevant to the Spiritist and Spiritualist philosophies. For this year, the films are related to the Brazilian medium Francisco Candido 'Chico' Xavier, and are produced by film director Wagner de Assis, who will also be present for QandAs about his works.
Anne Sinclair 🇬🇧 | Charles Kempf 🇫🇷 | Dan Assisi 🇺🇸 | Humberto Schubert 🇧🇷 | Lorraine Reeves-McLaren 🇬🇧 | Marlon Reikdal 🇬🇧 | Sonia Araujo 🇩🇰 | Vanessa Parra Ferreira 🇬🇧 | Wagner de Assis 🇧🇷.
Take a moment to pause and relax with guided meditations led by Lorraine Reeves-McLaren.
On our journey of self-discovery, one of the most important things we need to learn to develop is the ability to calm our minds.
Starting with short moments of breathing and relaxation, the daily habit of meditation can, over time, provide us with a more focused mind, a better flow of thought, and the clarity and calmness we need to face day-to-day challenges, as well as giving us better perception of the beauty of life and nature.
Category: Community | Religion and Spirituality | Spirituality
General Admission: GBP 80.00
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