Emma Wreifors

Om mig

Emma Wreifors
 Emma Wreifors
Om mig:
Have lived in Amersfoort, Holland, for little more then two years but haven't been able to find any good friends to hang out with. I'm in genral a happy person that loves books. I have a masters degree in publishing, but are in between jobs.Right now i'm volunteering once a week at a shelter here in Amersfoort. I'm looking for people around my own age, single as well in a couple. If interested send me a message
Bor i:
Amersfoort (Netherlands)
Språk :
English, Dutch, Swedish
40 år

Privata uppgifter

Favorit musik:
Don't have one particular artist, I listen to most things
Favorit filmer:
Have so many
Favorit böcker:
Words of Radience, Brandon Sanderson
Saker jag gillar:
the sun, walks, talks,
Saker jag hatar:
people that are judgemental top others, ppl that are cruel to animals, commercials