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Summer Dutch Courses with

இங்கு போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது தே ஹேக்அமைப்பு

Hi everyone,

I have been struggling on learning Dutch for a while but I recently started taking a Dutch course in The Hague and I love it!!! I think everyone struggling to learn Dutch or other languages should definitely check this site:

I've completed Dutch Level 1 and I will soon begin Dutch Level 2 :-)

Summer Courses: Dutch level 1 and 2 semi-intensive, which means twice a week. Dutch level 1 is offered starting 11 June, level 2 starting 24 July. For the non-English speakers they offer English 1 and 2, but only once a week, starting in June. They do free intakes!

For more info contact Isobel Thorn Prikker at 070 212 8240.



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