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House rent in Bern

இங்கு போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது பேரனேஅமைப்பு

Hi everybody, I'm looking for a flat to rent in Bern but I heard about very high fees (2000CHF for 100m2)...does anybody know about how much could it cost a small one of 50m2? And what about the heating, is it very expensive, isn't it (all the winter long)??

உப்யோகிபோரை  நீக்கவும்இன்  profile க்கு செல்லுங்கள்

  • Matt P

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது  அதில் பேரனேஅமைப்பு 

    Hi Franco, the rent depends on the location, the dimension and the environment. Even prices in switzerland are quite high you should be able to get also a cheaper flat. Have a look at (flats and houses) or (flat-sharing). The costs for heating is almost everywhere volume-based. So better look out how good the house is isolated wich kind of heating system it has and if there`s for example a cheminee (small extra oven to be heated with wood). Wood is kinda cheap and it makes a great athmosphere...

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