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Filipina looking for a job

โพสต์ใน ห้องสนทนา ไซปรัส

Hi! I hope someone could help me to find a job in cyprus... willing to work as a housekeeper or nanny. I hope someone can read my post. No to fraud or scammer please...

Viber number: +639773031700

ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ ผู้ใช้ที่ถูกลบออกแล้ว

  • Efthivoulos Grigoriou

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา ไซปรัส 

    Dear Sir / Madam:

    Greetings from Cyprus!

    EstiaCyprus E.Grigoriou presently located at Cyprus, a licensed land based agency, duly accredited by Cyprus Government and Department of Labor and Employment (License number 270).

    We are looking for a counterpart agency that will provide candidates, in different categories like, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers and non-skilled / domestic helpers, and professionals, to work in Cyprus.

    In addition with; our company is being managed by local residence who are very familiar and highly experienced in this market. EstiaCyprus will guarantee all the mediocrities and woes you have dealt with before on this kind of business. We are certainly one of the best manpower connections in the country!

    For your inquiries, please feel free to contact us, and it's always been our pleasure to provide a good quality service to all our business partners and wishing you that we could start the business immediately to build a strong business relationship.

    Thank you very much for your kind attention and we are looking forward to the realization of this possible business deal.

    Best Regards

    Susanna Pafiti
    Assistant Manager
    Estia Cyprus E. Grigoriou
    Address: Kiriakou Adamou 2, Shop 4 - 5
    8220, Chloraka, paphos, Cyprus
    Tel. No: +357 26221131
    Fax No: +357 26222047
    Email: [...]
    Skype: Estia Cyprus

    License No: 270
