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Are Germans rude??

โพสต์ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ T Y

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Bin Laden was dead already for like 9 years. Even if he weren't, then why did the navy seal execute him instead of capturing him to interrogate to find out how he supposedly planned all the terror attacks and about the future targets? That picture of bin laden watching himself on TV didn't even look like him. after the former Pakistani president Benazir Bhutto had announced on TV in 2007 that bin Laden was already dead, she was assassinated in execution style. And why is the us government not awarding the soldiers who killed bin Laden at least?

    The Bin Laden episode is one of many Obama's questionable legends.

    Vote Ron Paul.

    Speaking of Ron Paul, I wish Canada had a badass candidate like him. I would vote for him / her regardless of the party.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ John Lovejoy

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    I am not impressed at all with how Obama handled Bin Laden.
    To put it bluntly…
    He ordered the assassination of an unarmed old man and then bungled the aftermath by changing the story several times over in the days following.

    Bin Laden hurt many people and is a self declared enemy of the US.
    But denying him due process and his day in court are not the values of our nation our laws or that of any other western nation for that matter.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ John Lovejoy

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Agreed, Obama is a huge disappointment embracing and escalating the Bush Neocon policies.
    I also will not support him again.
    The TeaParty continues to rise up against more wars and meddling in foreign nations, the Patriot Act and out to lunch spending.
    Initially I supported Obama’s intervention in Libya ( because he sold it as a humanitarian mission) until it came to light the real reason is regime change and securing oil for France and Europe.
    We don’t use Libyan oil in the US.

    IMHO, Obama is a very dangerous president because he can sell the Bush doctrine better than Bush.
    He actually talked the Europeans via the UN into attacking a sovereign nation without cause.
    Ron Paul 2012

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ b s

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Hi G. M.,

    You should consider the pharmaceutical industry. The official language is universally English, so if you are a native speaker you can work literally anyplace in the world without any problems.

    Good luck!

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ b s

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    I would love to read the article comparing Germans and Americans from the University of Texas. By Professor Rings, right?

    However, the article was no longer at the link:

    Does anyone know where I might find it?

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    I think Obama is not the one doing that, I think it's his supporters on the left media. You could say that he controls them, but I don't think so.

    I think Obama is pretty smart, though he doesn't have much of a personality, meaning, I think he is too much of a 'let's find an agreement' type of person. Sometimes you can't do that, you just have to go and kick ass. I must admit though, I'm very impressed with the op to get Bin Laden. Coincidence or not, he did what Bush couldn't.

    Still, the way this is looking, he may be the best option in the next election. I can't believe that in a country of 300 million we can't get better candidates.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ T Y

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Obama administration has been playing the race card to death! Poor Americans... If you are white and you criticize Obama, you are racist! And if you criticize their lax immigration policy, you are a racist! LOL. Americans must be sick and tired of it by now. And the irony of it all is that Obama is one of those elitists, never lived a life of an African American. His first employer and his mentor was Henry Kissenger!

    And they are trying to play Latinos and the Americans fight against each other so that the people won't unite. The last thing the government wants is s revolution.

    Which is more or less what's happening in Germany too, Turks against Germans to keep the people divided.

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Did you actually read that link of yours after the first post?

    What did you try to tell us?

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    Yes, I think you are right. Of course governments usually care for the economic aspects and if German companies need workers, that's what they will focus on, everything else being secondary.

    The only thing I don't agree with you on: most Americans don't want Obama legalizing all the illegals, so it's not a question of paying taxes or not. That's important of course, but there is also the question of the language. We do NOT want to see things in Spanish everywhere. Plus there is the fact that illegals are more likely to commit crime, though of course this could be because of the illegal status too. But culture can play a part too.

    What happens is that Americans want to be politically correct too, so they won't tell you to your face. Less to me being originally from Spain. But I have noticed, as soon as I am with them and say something like, well, I'm fed up with having to choose between English and Spanish, I think there should be no Spanish. Ohhhh, then I opened the door and everybody is jumping in to say what they really think :-)

    And you are right, immigrating is a big decision. I'm torn between my eagerness to learn from Germany and my fear of messing up if I move.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ T Y

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Germans are fed up with foreigners. But it's their government allowing the immigrants to come to Germany, it's just too easy, especially for the family class immigration. Course this has been the case for a long long time, against the will of the people.

    There's a conundrum in that Germany needs more immigrants to support their social welfare with their aging population, not to mention the population decline,and the labour market is fighting the state to ease the restriction on work permit and immigration requirements because they need more skilled workers, but again, the German people don't want that to happen, they want to keep the German culture untouched, they want the foreigners out of Germany. Very understandable. But the foreigners are really stuck in limbo, who are getting mixed signals from the government and the people.

    As someone who also immigrated to another country, you can understand that it's a big decision to make, with so much you'd have to give up in order to immigrate. Many believed the German propaganda and certain Germans praising the thriving multiculturalism in Germany and came to Germany with hopes, only to find out that the people of Germany want them out!

    So yeah, the immigrants find themselves isolated from the German society, their ghetto is the only oasis they have.

    The difference between immigrants in Germany and those Latinos you are referring to is the legality. There's s legal venue for almost everyone to apply for an immigrant status in the US. But since Bush administration through Obama administration, mind you, they've been allowing the illegal immigrants into the states, and since they are illegal, they are also immune from local rules and regulations, yet the American tax payers are financially responsible for the wellbeing of the illegals. Nobody invited them to the states. They would be more than welcome if they were legal and were ready to share the responsibilities, such as paying taxes.

    Being upset with illegal immigrants is not the same as hostility towards legal immigrants that the country needs and gave the permission to live there.

    But you are right, there shouldn't be so many immigrants if the Germans opt not to have them. And the government should always make it clear to prospective immigrants that "not all Germans are willing to have so many immigrants."
