2021 3rd International Conference on Image and Video Processing (icivp 2021)
1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation only)
Submit paper via online system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icivp2021
More detail about submission, please visit at http://icivp.org/sub.html
ICIVP2021 will accept the online presentation for those who can't attend the conference because of the force majeure.
The accepted and registered papers will be publication in Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, etc.
Topics (include but not limit)
Image and Video Analysis for the Web
Image Processing for VR Systems
Image Procesing for Autonomous Vehicles
Filtering, Transforms, Multi-Resolution Processing
Restoration, Enhancement, Super-Resolution
Computer Vision Algorithms and Technologies
Compression, Transmission, Storage, Retrieval
Multi-View, Stereoscopic, and 3D Processing
Multi-Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Processing
Biological and Perceptual-based Processing
Medical Image and Video Analysis
Document and Synthetic Visual Processing
Color and Multispectral Processing
Scanning, Display, and Printing
Computational Imaging
Video Processing and Analytics
Visual Quality Assessment
Deep learning for Images and Video
For more topics, please visit at: http://icivp.org/#fane1-tab
Lauren Qiu
Email: icivp@bmail.org
Web: www.icivp.org
Emma Wong