2021 8th International Conference on Advances in Management Sciences (icams 2021)
Call for papers:
Management Science
Management of Innovation and Technology
Emerging Technologies
Global Production Network
Green Technologies
e-Health Technologies
Environmental Technology Management
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies
More topics, please view: http://www.icams.org/cfp.html
Submission Methods:
1. Please submit your paper through the Electronic Submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icams2021
2. Submit via e-mail: icams@iedrc.net
Paper publication:
The excellent papers accepted by ICAMS 2021 will be published by Journal of Advanced Management Science (JOAMS, ISSN: 2168-0787, 10.18178/joams)), and will be included in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.
ICAMS 2021 respectfully asks scholars and experts in Advances in Management Sciences related fields to consider being a member of the Technical Program Committee. If you are interested or if you have someone to recommend, please send your/their CV/s to icams@iedrc.net. All received CVs will be carefully reviewed and discussed. TPC member' s name, affiliation and nationality will be shown on the webpage for ICAMS 2021 as well. Welcome to join us.
Contact us:
Conference Secretary: Ms. Danielle Hu
Tel.: +86-13648043904
E-mail address: icams@iedrc.net
Geoff Pilk