2023 4th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Signal Processing (eesp 2023)

2023 4th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Signal Processing (eesp 2023)

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Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

จีน Map

Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Analog and Mixed Signal Processing
Array Signal Processing
Bioimaging and Signal Processing
Biometrics & Authentification
Biosignal Processing & Understanding
Communication and Broadband Networks
Communication Signal processing
Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Image Processing & Understanding
Image/Video Processing and Coding
Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Modulation and Channel Coding
Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
Multimedia Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing
Parallel and Distributed Processing
PDE for Image Processing
Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing
Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis
Video compression & Streaming

For details about topics, please visit: http://www.eesp.net/cfp.html

Conference Proceedings
Submissions will be reviewed by the conference technical committees, and accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus and some major databases for abstracting and indexing.

Full paper/Abstract:
Submission Link: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/EESP2023
Submission Email: eesp_conf@outlook.com

More details about submission, please visit: http://www.eesp.net/submission.html

Sia Liu (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: eesp_conf@outlook.com

ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Helen Smith
 Helen Smith