Photography Activity from MandarinGarden



Jinqiao Park, Pudong, Shanghai, China Map

This Event will record your own lives and experiences in China via documentary photography. You could keep this as a souvenir, there is no identity limit for photographer, and whether the photos are published or not does not matter. Photography fanciers from home and abroad are especially welcomed to participate.

Date :21th June
Time : 15:00-17:00pm
Location: Pu Dong Jingqiao Park
Activity Contents: (PS:Camera and the kite will not be provided by MandarinGarden)

1. Teacher introduce the park and ancient Chinese Ta-Qing culture ;
2. Teachers taking pictures with students;
3. Students themselves start to play kite.

ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ alex xander
 alex xander