The Seychelles African Economics Congress 2014



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Victoria, Mont Fleuri, Seychelles Map

"Innovative Solutions for African Inclusive Growth and a Thriving Economy"
(The Seychelles, Victoria; May 3rd – 6th, 2014)

With an average GDP growth rate of 5% in 2012 and projections of significant acceleration, the current 'Rise of Africa' has surpassed all growth expectations of previous economic forecasts, effectively positioning Africa as the world's fastest growing economy. Accompanied by decreasing inflation, heightened macroeconomic stability and microeconomic reforms, these trends have translated into rapidly dropping poverty rates and a growing middle class thus paving the way towards the continent's sustainable development. The possibilities are now endless for Africa's 'Economic Lions'.

While acknowledging the contemporary path to prosperity Africa has embarked on, the Forum will seek to further accelerate growth rates in a sustainable and inclusionary manner, so that the wealth accumulated trickles down to ordinary citizens and firmly secures the prosperity of generations to come. While growth is real and steady, it must be ensured that the benefits of this are reaped by all members of society. Thus, the conference will focus on ways in which to increase the participation of youth and women in the economy, harnessing the immense human capital boasted by the African continent and unlocking the full potential of the economic giant that is Africa. Furthermore, the Forum will address the issues of political stability necessary to foster economic growth. All these elements will take into account the application of Cultural Diplomacy activities in aiding current and future strategies of growth, therefore affording the conference a multi-faceted and dynamic character.

Speakers & Delegates during the congress will include amongst others, leading politicians and economists, senior diplomats, senior academics, renowned authors, journalists, and representatives from the private sector.

ICD Press
 ICD Press