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Touch Textbooks is AWESOME!

Şurada gönderildi Lefkoşa forumu

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give a quick positive review about my experience with Touch Textbooks.

I own an Apple iPad and I am currently studying medical science at Notre Dame. Textbooks are friggin expensive! Seriously, I waste about $500 a semester on textbooks and I never use them after that!

A friend recommended Touch Textbooks to me and I saved a lot of money, so now I'm recommending it to you. Basically, all I can say, is that the site is AWESOME!

You register, you get your log in details, and you then have access to the members only database. It is filled with MILLIONS of textbooks, all the latest editions, its mad!

You can search for any college textbook and download it to your iPad, or iPhone, or Kindle, or anything like that. Words cant describe much more. Check it out brahs.



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