2023 8th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (icmerr 2023)
Conference Proceedings
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the conference scientific committees and accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings and sent to Ei Compendex and Scopus for indexing.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (IJMERR)
Index: Scopus, CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
Submission Methods
1. The official language is English. The submitted paper should be no less than 4 full pages and prepared carefully according to the conference template.
2. Abstract submission is acceptable but it will be accepted for presentation only.
For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmerr2023
For abstract, please send it to: icmerr@outlook.com
More detail about submission, please visit at http://www.icmerr.com/sub.html
Topics of Interest for Submission
-Mechanical Engineering
Analytical mechanics
Applied Mechanics
Computational mechanics
Combustion and Fuels
Controls and Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Power
I.C. Engines & Automobile Engineering
Active perception & 3-D perception
Artificial intelligence
Automatic 3D buildings design
Automation, CNC Machines & Robotics
Autonomous robotic vehicles
Evolutionary robotics
Gaits of humanoids
Hardware architecture for humanoids
Humanoid motion planning
Industrial Robotics
More topics: http://www.icmerr.com/cfp.html
Conference Secretary: Zoe Wu
Email: icmerr@outlook.com
Tel: +86-19382170943
9:30am--12pm, 2pm-5:30pm, Monday to Friday, GMT+8
Helen Smith