Developing workshop- Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich man's world
Streulistrasse 17, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland Map
I would like to invite to participate to my new workshop“Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich man's world”, which is from the cycle “Sorry, now it’s time for myself”.
Why is it worth to sign up and come?
1. You will have an opportunity to think about yourself from a different perspective and have some time for yourself
2. You can meet interesting people
3. It’s an opportunity to spend your time in a different, interesting way
Workshop description:
Money - is what we all use, what we need, sometimes desire. It is something that accompanies us in our daily lives. We often think what to do with it, or how to have more of it. There are many courses, workshops, which ensure that you will learn, how you can easily become an almost millionaire. This workshop is nothing like that!
I invite you to look at this topic (the topic of money) from a different, deeper perspective. Here we will wonder: What kind of attitude do we have towards money, do we like or despise it? What makes it that we usually have it or permanently need it? We will also check influences ours beliefs and family story have on our material well-being. We will talk about rich father, about poor father and cultural differences
20 CHF (25% discount if you will like the Facebook page Psych Guide In Switzerland )
Admissions (number of participants is limited)
(0041) 77 536 86 54
Roxana Szymanska