Kerry McClain Pay Womack Mann


Kerry McClain Pay Womack Mann
 Kerry McClain Pay Womack Mann
I would like to teach world history. I dislike America so much that I would like to permanently live in Europe until I die. I would like to find an EU person to marry who would like to have a U. S. citizenship so that they could live and work in the U. S. My first husband was British and I divorced him after 18 months because I found out that he had a serious sexual problem. This was in 1980. I was hoping that I would meet someone else. I did marry again who was 12 years younger than myself, but he developed a very serious drug problem and he abandoned me after I was in a car accident. During the divorce I found out about his serious drug problem and also about a woman he had been having an affair with and also got her pregnant. He had lost all his morals and sense of right and wrong. I was raised the "old-fashioned" way from a background in farming and ranching in the state of Montana. There is a right and wrong way to treat other people and I was taught that all people should be treated with kindnes,respect and compassion. "Do unto others as you would want to be treated". I accept all cultures and religions as long as they treat other poeple with compassion. I'm a religious eclectic. Probably Budhist with Sufi influences. I like to learn all religions because there are good teachings in all of them. But I do not accept intolernce to anyone and I live by the premise "Judge not lest yee be judged" "Those who have NO sin may cast the first stone" (this was when the prophet Jesus from the New Testament of the Bible was confronting the mob who were claiming a woman had sexual relations with someone other than her husband and wanted her stoned to death) I have always been told by many people since I was in high school that I am a great listener and will not pass judgement on anyone, but try to give the person good emotional support and options that may help. I love history sooooooooo much and I've been to Europe and love all the culture and how Europeans live and govern themselves. I've always been involved with how government is in the U. S. and it was bad in the 60's and every decade it has just gotten worse. I've always hated the U. S. foreign policies toward other countries and America doesn't have hardly any independent news media so I get my news from watching the BBC and DW-TV from Germany that is broadcast on our public broadcasting channel. I personally think it is a lost cause now because corporations now run most of our Congress and government. I would like to find a person who likes the U. S. and would like to work in the U.S. from the EU and by being married to an American citizen after two years a person can be a permanent resident and then get a U. S. citizenship. I'll type more later you can send emails to
Şurada yaşıyorum:
San Francisco (United States)
Arkadaşlar, Randevu, İş bağlantıları
Germany, San Francisco


İlgi alanları:
Animals/Pets, Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Fishing, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Playing cards, Politics, Religion/Spiritual, Sailing/Boating, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Wine tasting, Dancing, Football (American), Horseback Riding, Walking/Hiking, all cultures and religions world history all music (except american western) nature and the outdoors and camping
Favori müzikler:
Favori filmler:
old movies, musicals,good dramas, documenaries, period movies
Favori kitaplar:
most books
Sevdiğim şeyler:
people who enjoy learning new things and who accept all kinds of people
Nefret ettiğim şeyler:
Americans because they are so ignorant about what is happening in other countries and because the American government only cares about what it wants without any idea as to how it affects other countries citizens
İlişki durumu: