فورم پر جرمنی واپس

DSL providers in Germany

پوسٹڈ ان جرمنی فورم

I need to get a DSL-connection at home but am completely confused by all the different tariffs and providers. Anybody has a good recommendation? I don't want a long contract length as I don't know yet how long I will stay in Germany.

  • Anne Sredzki

    DSL and Cable connections in Germany

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Anne Sredzki انرر جرمنی فورم 

    Have you checked whether there is a cable provider in your city? Cable providers in Germany usually offer very fast connections and are often a lot cheaper than DSL providers in Germany.

  • Dora Böhm

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر جرمنی فورم 

    But if this is for a new connection Alice can take 6-8 weeks to organise as they rely on Deutsche Telekom providing the line into the house, and Telekom don't like to be particularly efficient at providing this to a competitor.

    Alternative is to take Deutsche Telekom for phone and DSL (min 1 month, thereafter 6 days notice to cancel, can be setup in 3-5 days)) and a no-frills provider such as JustDsl with 1-month cancellation notice.

    Otherwise if you are planning to leave the country after your stay you could sign up with the provider of your choice, irrespective of the contract conditions and invoke an extraordinary cancellation as a result of your "unexpected" departure from Germany. Some may fight this, but their grounds for doing so are shaky.

  • پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر جرمنی فورم 

    You may want to check if your cable provider offers DSL and phone services as well. My experience with Unity Media in Frankfurt is very good. Price is at EUR 20 - 30,- on top of your cable cost and including free landline calls in Germany. Very stable connection and good service response time.

    Also: If you are leaving Germany to go back to your home country, you should be able to cancel any kind of phone or service contract without additional cost at that point in time. Please don't take this as "legal advise" ;-) - I am not a lawyer. However, when I moved to the US and later Japan, I had no problem cancelling phone, mobile, fitness or other contracts since they could not provide any service in these countries.

  • Blizzy Everhard

    DSL in Germany

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Blizzy Everhard انرر جرمنی فورم 

    You can also get a combined package with mobile access now - I believe Vodafone currently has some good deals.

  • K S

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر جرمنی فورم 

    Someoen else has recommended Alice as you can sign up for their 50€ package and get unlimited euro landline calls and unlimited download internet.

  • Gabriela Zafira

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر جرمنی فورم 

    I tried out Freenet - and the service was horrible!! Unfortunately I got stuck with a minimum contract length so would loose money if I change. Don't go for this one.

  • پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر جرمنی فورم 

    Hi Emilia! You can try out Alice-DSL. They are not the cheapest provider, but rates are ok, service is good and they don't require a minimium contract lenght. I've been with them for 2 years and am quite happy with them.

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