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If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs

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This is to continue to talk about racism in Portugal.

1- I've Studied in a couple of countries including Portugal. Many of my Graduated black colleagues in Portugal, born and raised in Portugal, never have been to Africa where suggested to go "back" to work in Africa;

2- In Portugal, the high amount of black Professionals are to be found in health business because THERE they are needed, since the white Portuguese venture themselves in less intelectually depending business. For the rest of the fields, no blacks to be found in high educational level;

3- Black people in Portugal are to be cleaners, constructors and all "lower" related jobs. You are in a way, forbidden to achieve higher goals since once you've done it, you are no longer welcome in the country. This clearly refects the idea that black people are meant to be low;

4- Yes, Portugal is a Classical country...but look what you've become?

5- While the other imperialists have already apologised for colonialism, Portugal doesn't understand why they did it, simply because Portuguese think they did good in Africa;

6- Before Independence, only the numbers of one hand of Africans were graduated. Today, billions are graduated, schools and universities are numerous in Africa and the list goes on with the improvements that were done. Moreover, today, you find a lot of people like me who DECIDED to venture themselves with their own money to study and work in the world. Me being independent to do that is not well known among the Portuguese since they think that I need their approvement to grow further than what they had "planned" for me.

7- Because of my accent, on the phone, I was told I would do good with my International Masters Degree. But once I asked to meet in person with that such important figure, he asked me if I wasn't thinking of going back to Africa. Another episode was when I approached my Professor to ask him to intervene in my favor as to find a suitable job according to my International Masters. I know that my normal Portuguese colleagues aren't as good as I am in languages, aren't as travelled as I am, don't posess a Masters, can't communicate Internationally as me, and having been a good student myself, having this Professor backing me up, I thought my future was going to be soon. It's been almost 6 months, my Professor is silent. I did send him two mails, to which he answered to one. Last week I sent him another one. DEAR FELLOW PORTUGUESE PEOPLE, do you think he will find me something special since he is a very internationally well known figure?

8- It's very common to companies reply as follows: "we are only employing Africans who want to work for us in Africa".

Now, dear world, how do you put this? I know Portuguese are running to Africa to do as good as I want to do in Portugal.

  • پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    "If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs"
    Was the initial aim of this extensive discussion, although conversation has been shifting towards other topics.
    I will keep the focus on the initial post

    1) You have presented few facts to support and confirm your statement. (I dont accept as valid things such: "go to a bank/macdonalds and count the number of black people working there")
    2) It seems that you are generalizing from your own experiences.Sometimes we are unfortunately to be in the wrong place at the wrong time more than once in a row. (Was this your case?) (If you have applied for several jobs and didnt get any, what makes you think its discrimination and not the rule of the best fitted?I also saw MANY of my job applications rejected and unanswered :( )
    3) I defend that the number of white vs black graduated people without a job meeting their qualifications is not statistically significant different. Therefore the word "black" should be erased from the statement for a more accurate judgement.

    Belinda if you have data that knocks down any of the above sentences, let me know.

    I do believe there is a problem, but its not of discrimination. Its more of in-dependency.
    Perhaps if you would have stated something like this, i would agree with you:
    "If you are educated but you have poor network connections you ll hardly find a graduated job in Portugal. "


    1) Public sector employs a high number of workers
    1.1) Public sector does not have or has ineffective self-control mechanisms (e.g laws & procedures, decision making, independent monitoring bodies, sanctions/fees) for Hiring People (e.g Collective Bargain Agreements formed by the entire organization/department and outside members that approves hiring decision); and for Public Procurement of Services (E.g a law to obey in public procurement, a closely monitoring of law compliance by independent party, individual sanctions if law is not obey)
    2) At the private sector this network-leverage can also be the case, but to a lower extend, due to the fact that the controls mentioned in 2) are linked to the final goal of the company (be profitable, the more the better). Thus the hiring rule seeks the best/fitest of the candidates

    I must say that Portugal suffered/suffers from a disease much worse than colour descrimination: influence, the ability to influence decision towards desired outcomes, which have promoted the short-term and certain individual and not the long-run, future society and the overall welfare of its citizens.

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Well, said Joao!

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    'Belinday', or 'Billy' (Who knows!!) You're just bellyaching now.

  • جائیں اس یوزر کےBelinda Angelino's پروفائل پر

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    I'm sure you don't need a comment on that. After all, you are expert in figure of speech.

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Oh, and I have not been colonizing anyone for five hundred years. I think if I had someone would have told me .

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Oh, and I have not been colonizing anyone for five hundred years. I think if I had someone would have told me .

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    I did say, in fact: 'poetic diction'.

    It's rather difficult to consider your comments as valid when hyperbolé seems your considered motivation. Explain, please: what particular research led you to believe (And I quote from one of your many, many....many.....many previous posts) that there are billions of graduated black people in the world? Quote: 'Today, billions are graduated...' Hmm..I think there are only about 6-7 billion people in the world. Were you, by any chance, reading Mickey Mouse's Big Book of Big Planets?

    And why do you consider cleaners and constructors as 'lower jobs' (Although, that should be- by your own paraphrasing: 'cleaning and constructing'?

    And why do you consider that- and I quote: 'In, portugal, driving a taxi is a huge achievement'?

    You appear highly critical of your fellow man and the world- almost sociopathic.

  • جائیں اس یوزر کےBelinda Angelino's پروفائل پر

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Because Portugal reminds me of the others in the 60's. It did not evolve to the point that black people have a chance to prove to have brains. "Coitadinhos" that's the treat we get.
    "Racism is everywhere" is comfortable to say but why don't you admit that there are countries that have integrated black people better than Portugal and that you, having been 500 years colonizing should actually start evolving towards relaxing this discrimination? You act like it's nothing to do with you. "Let them do their thing and we'll pretend they are not here?" That's my point.

  • jack garcia

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Hello, Joao. 2010, Avenidad da Liberdade, Sao Bras de Alportel. PNR displayed on one the political promotion boards a white sheep kicking out a black sheep with a background map of Portugal.

  • جائیں اس یوزر کےBelinda Angelino's پروفائل پر

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر پرتگال فورم 

    Of course we are going somewhere! This is the most viewed forum. Doesn't say anything? Seara, please switch your reasoning.
    Justin Bieber started on the internet.

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