2021 European Conference on Electronic Engineering (ecee 2021)
Accepted papers will be included into conference proceedings, which have been indexed in the past by Scopus, Ei Compendex, etc.
Call for Papers
Analogue electronic engineering
Radio frequency electronic engineering
Digital development engineering
Programmable logic engineering
Component engineering
Electromagnetic compatibility
Instrumentation engineering
Circuits and systems
Measuring technology and instruments
Electric vehicle technologies
Materials for electrotechnics
Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility
Power electronics, systems and applications
Electrical machines and adjustable speed drives
Signal and information processing
Systems engineering
Reliability engineering
Digital/Logic electronic engineering
Online submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ecee2021
Dr. Sophie Hu
Email: ecee@academic.net | Tel.: +86 1301 8222 220
Working hrs: 10:00-18:00, MON-FRI.
Nazal Lau