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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

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    The roots of racism are mostly found in culture clashes. People feel easy with what is most like themselves. They prefer to see a copy of themselves in others. That is why different cultures sometimes produce fundamental misunderstandings that cause conflict.The survival instinct looks for that which is most like ones reflection and where one is accepted. Depending on one’s nurture and family approach and Religion can be appealing variables. The survival instinct and racism is actually a selfish form of self preference and the effects of racism in culture can be very harmful when manifested.

    Most Spaniards don't like that culture which that Norwegian killer also dislikes (Muslim culture), this is one of the reason Moroccans are treated bad in Spain and Moroccans see it racism but for Spaniards its not racism its just they don't like different culture.

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    You said:

    "Norwegians are not racist people but look what one racist did to many innocent lives."

    I don't think this guy was a racist. I have read a few pages of his manifest, and he seems to treat all of Europe the same. I think if he had been a racist he would not have counted Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Italy as equals to him and the northern countries.

    Besides, he explains what he doesn't like about the immigrants, and it's not the color of skin, which would make him racist, but the culture. It's not the race that he dislikes, it's the culture. That doesn't make you racist.

    Of course I don't like the culture either. I think western culture is one of the best (I won't say the best) and I think it's ok to dislike others that are different.

    I think we all have preferences and when 2 things are different, the odds are you are going to prefer one to the other one. Nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is society wants to be so politically correct that it doesn't even make sense. They want us to say that all cultures are equally good and all that. Not natural!, when 2 things are different, the natural thing is to prefer one over the other one, EVEN with cultures.

    Unfortunately this guy got so frustrated with not being able to express his opinion without being labeled nazi or who knows what, that he went to the extreme and got crazy.

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    I never heard anybody call them no eyes, I have seen lots of people do the stretching of the eyes.

    What's the big deal? I'm from Spain, call me dark haired which is what I am , like most people in Spain.

    In my opinion people are too sensitive.

    Heck, I was told by a German that I was tall for a Spaniard. Should I be offended? he is implying that Spaniards are not tall! SO WHAT? Germans are in general taller, in general, there are some short Germans too. And so what? just the way things are.

    People get offended for nothing.

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    Asian people having different shape eyes and Nordic people being usually taller are not facts????? What are they then?

    And I'm not a dude, I'm a woman, so maybe a duda :-)

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của John Lovejoy

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    @ PartriK eso

    Agreed on the Norwegian security failure and your point about Breivik getting a free pass because he’s blond and blue eyed despite all the red flags he raised leading up to that.
    But the absolute dismal failure was the 1 ½ hr response time.
    No helicopter – Can’t get a helicopter
    Too many in one boat …Special Forces needed to be RESCUED by a civilian boat on their first attempt to reach the island. That's NOT Special Forces but amateur hr.

    What many are also missing is that Terrorism is not limited to Islamic extremists.
    There are plenty of other groups with an ax to grind, which you cannot identify by skin color or ethnicity.

    The emergency operators in Norway wouldn’t even take calls for help from the island in the wake of the Bombing. No calls for help reached Norwegian law-enforcement until Breivik was already shooting for ½ hr , because they either hung up on them, put them on hold or redirected them without listening to a word they where saying.

    Somehow this does not surprise me.
    Since I am in Germany I regularly notice that most cannot cope with doing two or more things at the same time or two or more things happening at the same time
    Everything seams to be linear and inflexible here making everything very slow.
    They cannot multitask and if asked come unraveled even with minor things happening concurrently.
    Explaining why there is so much waiting in line in Germany.
    I am pretty sure this what happened in Norway, not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
    I hope they learned their lesson.

    The Norwegian Police spokesman Johan Fredriksen rebuffed criticism with:
    "We can take a lot, we're professional, but we are also human beings,"

    Funny, because this is identical line, standard excuse you get in Germany every time the post offices looses your packages or people are incompetent at their job. “ We are only human beings”- Wir sind doch auch nur menschen.
    What do you say to something like that?

    Continental Europe needs to wake up to the 21st century if they plan on keeping up with the rest of the world.
    (Totally different in the UK btw)
    Beneath that tidy facade is a hug bureaucratic mess, where the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing , people work in positions in charge of others they are completely unqualified for.
    It just takes a slight rumble for their deck of cards to shake precariously.

    In closing, some of my German co workers frequently make snide remarks about how messy my or my fellow Americans desks is or about being on the phone with two people at the same time whilst talking to them.
    But we get more done in less time and more importantly are nor near as stressed out as they are if at all.
    Seriously, the slightest thing sends them into a tizzy, huffing a puffing about how difficult the job is instead of getting on and dealing with it.
    I can almost bet this is exactly what happened in Norway and why they did not take the cries for help from the island for ½ an hr.

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của patrick eso

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    Many wanted a united europe, right after the end of the ww11.Those countries who has no colonial projection wanted the european union more to succed.The united kingdom was skeptic from begining on. Then germany and france has a special trade pact, which helps germany market its trade in french speaking countries.This is why they german government try to promote multiculturalism to project a different image from the past, which is a smart idea.But this politics/multiculturalism is heading to the Antics.Atleast Obama visited germany before he became president to encourage them to view the world different.I still believe that germany might change but it will take may be 100years.Once the could integrate their justice system then ,the might change things around.

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của patrick eso

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    @john lovejoy
    If the security forces in norway has thesame standard as the have here in England ,these devil gunner could have been stopped before his calamity.Buying agricultural products should have alerted the authority.In england it will flag up immediately.But because he fits in with the normal norwagian , blond hair, blue eyes, from rich family, so why should he be suspected.sometimes stereotyping can be decieving , lack of good judgement.thats why the police in norway is facing criticism.Just this evening on the news here in england the released the information that two German nationals was detained since early part of this month at the boarder by Dover between France/England under the terrorism act of 2000. No futher details was given, but mentioned that the don`t think it has no relation with norway incident.

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của T Y

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    I totally agree with you on this one I wouldn't go as far as to say ausländerfeies Deutschland für die Deutschen, but unless the government start respecting the Germans, I wouldn't be surprised if something like what happened in Rostock took place again in Germany only in a bigger scale.

    If the Germans were left alone without all the influx of immigrants, they would probably treat foreigners nicer.

    The real problem is that the globalists have successfully brainwashed "liberal" Germans so much so that now some of them actually support immigration. And the globalists are using the divide and conquer tactics on Germans to keep them fight against each other instead of revolting against the government.

    It is only natural that the Germans tend to hate foreigners that they were forced to accept in their own country. Germany is not meant to be a multicultural society, neither are many other nations.

    Germany as a nation has to come to terms with being a monocultural society, and it is ok. Otherwise it's like trying to turn a gay person into a straight, or vice versa, no one is a winner. It is what it is. The racism in Germany is just the result of imposing unwanted multiculturalism.

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của T Y

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    It's nice for you to be critical of your own county and I applaud you for that as everyone should look for their own faults. But let's be realistic. I work in Toronto, I'd say half of collegues are visible minorities, they aren't janitors or interns. Many managers are of visible minorities as well as women. That's the integration actually working in real life. Everyone feels equal in Canada. No one is arguing racists are everywhere. As long as foreigners are treated as some kind of second class citizens, things won't change in Germany. And don't even try to justify your argument by mentioning all the Pakistani cab drivers in Toronto. I had a very competent Pakistani associate technical director as my boss. If you work hard in Canada, you will be given a fair chance, there, that is the difference. Minorities can become part of the society as equal partners / residents. Equal opportunities = equal contributions to the society = successful integration. It's very simple.

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    "idiots racist, there are everywhere". Well said!!

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