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Looking for English to Serbian Translator

Được đăng trong Serbia diễn đàn

Hi, we are Gengo, the leading online translation agency with offices in Tokyo and California. We are currently seeking English to Serbian translators to join our worldwide team.

Your mission:
Translate from English to Serbian, using our easy-to-use online platform

Your profile:
Good knowledge of English and Serbian languages

Create your translator account for free at
Select English and Serbian and take translation tests for free

Our senior translator will review your test and get back to you with result. Qualified candidates gain access to hundreds of jobs and work from home as freelancers.

Chuyển tới hồ sơ của Người dùng đã bị xoá

  • Chuyển tới hồ sơ của Helena Szöllősy

    đăng bởi  trong  Serbia diễn đàn 

    I'm interested in job posted on Just Landed site.
    I translate in my spare time beside work so I'm interested in long term cooperation for cases which are not so urgent.

    Proffessional fields :
    Pharmacy: pharmacy technology, pharmacy chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy

    Chemical analisis, testing ,calibration and veryfication of colorimeters, laboratory eqiupment,material safety data sheets

    Natural Therapies and Natural Health Modalities,

    Holistic therapies: homeopathy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, acupressure, electronic acupuncture, cupping therapy, ear and body candling. facial diagnostic,application of Scuessler Tissue Salts

    Hungarian Folklore


    Regarding translation works ,I had translated recently some tourist brochures and Scientific articles and book details for master's work in the past,

    To mention a few:
    -Mecklenburg J.C,Hartland B.:The Theory of Backmixinng
    -PerrutM.Paules B.:Heat exchangers Design and Theory Source
    -Reid R.C.,Prausnitz J.M.,Sherwood T.R.:The Properties of Gases and Liquids
    -Treybal R.E.:Mass transfer Operations

    A nevem Szöllősy Heléna. Magyar vagyok . Szlovéniában, Ljubljanában születtem,nőttem fel,ahol kijártam az általános iskolát és Gyógyszerészeti és Egészségügyi szak iskolát. Tovább képzéseimet Szerbiában Új Vidéken végeztem és később Magyarországon Budapesten és Szegeden folytattam.. Szerbiában 15 évet éltem és dolgoztam gyógyszertárban, Magyarországon 15 evet töltöttem és kémiával illetve gyógyszerészettel foglalkoztam és bővítettem tudásomat homeopátia,fitoterápia és természetgyógyászat terén,a holisztikús gyógymódok alkalmazásával. 30 éve művelem a magyar népzenét. Egy éve Máltán ,Gozó szigetén élek és turizmussal foglalkozom.

    My name is Helena Szöllösy. I am Hungarian. I was born and raised in Ljubljana in Slovenia, where I finished my primary school and Vocational College of Pharmacy and Health. Further education courses I have achieved in Novi Sad in Serbia and later in Budapest and Szeged in Hungary. I lived for 15 years in Serbia and worked in a pharmacy. I spent 15 years in Hungary,working in the field of analytical chemistry and pharmacy,meanwhile I had complemented the knowledge in homeopathy,phytotherapy and natural holistic therapies .I am dealing with Hungarian folk music for 30 years. I have moved to Malta,to Gozo a year ago and I am working in tourism now.

    Ime mi je Helena Szöllösy. Sem Madžarka ,rojena v Sloveniji v Ljubljani,kjer sem odrasla in končala osnovno šolo in Strokovno šolo za farmacijo in zdavstvo. Nadaljno izobrazbo sem dosegla v Novem Sadu v Srbiji in kasneje v Budimpešti in Segedinu na Madžarskem. V Srbiji sem živela 15 let in delala v lekarni,na Madžarskem pa sem v naslednjih 15. letih delala na področju analitične kemije in farmacije,ter širila znanje iz homeopatije,fitoterapije in holističnih zdravstenih terapij. 30 let se ukvarjam z madžarsko narodno glazbo. Leto dni živim na Malti,na otoku Gozo in se ukvarjam s turizmom.

    Zovem se Helena Szöllösy.Mađarica sam,rođena u Ljubljani u Sloveniji,kde sam odrasla i završila osnovnu školu i stručnu školu za farmaciju i zdavstvo.Daljne stručno obrazovanje stekla sam u Novom Sadu u Srbiji,a kasnije u Budimpešti i Szegedinu u Mađarskoj.U Srbiji sam živela 15 godina i radila u apoteci,a u Mađarskoj sam provela sledećih 15 godina ,radeći na području analitičke kemije i farmacije,te proširavala znanje iz homeopatije,fitoterapije i holističkih zdravstvenih terapija.30 godina bavim se mađarskom folklornom muzikom. Godinu dana živim na Malti,na otoku Gozo i bavim se turizmom.

    My rates:

    TranslationAdd Rates X
    Min. rate
    per word Min. rate
    per hour
    English » Hungarian 0.05 EUR
    0.07 USD
    8.00 EUR
    10.82 USD
    English » Slovene 0.05 EUR
    0.07 USD
    8.00 EUR
    10.82 USD
    Hungarian » Slovene 0.05 EUR
    0.07 USD
    8.00 EUR
    10.82 USD
    Slovene » Serbo-Croatian 0.05 EUR
    0.07 USD
    8.00 EUR
    10.82 USD
    TeachingAdd Rates X
    Min. rate
    per word Min. rate
    per hour
    Hungarian » Slovene 8.00 EUR
    10.82 USD

    Best regards Helena Szöllősy

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