Disaster Relief Sale and Auction
Find some treasures while supporting a good cause! A large selection of new or gently used Housewares, Children's Toys, Books and Puzzles, Costume Jewelry, Craft items, Plants and Flowers, Produce, and Baked Goods are available - most for donation rather than a set price! Food available for purchase, and there are places to sit and eat - so come visit with your neighbors. There are Silent Auction items to bid on as well. Proceeds benefit the Church of the Brethren Disaster Ministries, which engages a network of volunteers to repair or rebuild damaged homes for disaster survivors who cannot recover on their own. It also supports our Children's Disaster Services, a group of specially trained volunteers who care for children directly impacted by disaster and trauma, through activities that stimulate imaginative play. This event takes place rain or shine, and is a CASH ONLY event.
Category: Community | Fundraisers | Charities
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