Debbie Young

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Debbie Young
 Debbie Young
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
I'm moving to The Hague in order to start the fine art course at the royal academy of art! I will be there for four years so am looking for people to socialise with! I am going to learn Dutch too, and immerse myself in the Dutch culture! I'm looking for accommodation near the art school, so if anyone knows of anything, can you let me know? same goes for English-speaking job options!
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Các cộng đồng:

Cá nhân

Những sở thích:
Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Photography, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, Swimming, Yoga
Bài hát ưa thích:
Sonic Youth, Mazzy Star, Radiohead, Portishead, 90's hiphop, blues, jazz, soul, etc.
Những bộ phim ưa thích:
mr nice, trainspotting, girl interrupted, black swan, amelie, etc.
Những cuốn sách ưa thích:
wuthering heights, catcher in the rye etc.
Những điều tôi thích:
i enjoy socialising, clubbing, painting, travelling, reading, watching films etc.
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