Francis (USA)

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Francis (USA)
 Francis (USA)
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Born and raised in the USA, spent half my life on a country farm, and the other half in Boston, MA. My father was a pilot and had me on a plane when I was 3 weeks old. I've been traveling ever since. I suppose it was only natural that I would meet the love of my life while traveling outside of the states. I'm currently in the process of moving to Venezuela.
Đang sống tại:
Maracay (Venezuela)
Ngôn ngữ:
English, Spanish
Tìm kiếm:
Bạn bè, Các địa chỉ kinh doanh liên lạc
Các cộng đồng:
Venezuela, Maracay

Cá nhân

Tình trạng quan hệ:

Chuyên nghiệp

Công ty/Cơ quan:
self employed
Nghề nghiệp:
Wedding Photographer
Sự nghiệp trước đây:
Manager and buyer for a 3rd generation retail establishment specializing in international delicacies. Programmer.