Sharifa Alaydroos

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Sharifa Alaydroos
 Sharifa Alaydroos
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Sharifa was born and brought up in Jakarta, Indonesia, an Arabian born as an Indonesian, her father is Indonesian-Yemeni, and her mother is Indonesian, she believes that she is pretty much Creative, she loves to try new thing that makes her becoming a Risk Taker And what best in her is, she is a Total Person, she has determination in doing her best, and she loves design as much as she loves her life. As dream chaser and faith believer, she explores life, form, style, and challenge, she finished her bachelor degree in Jakarta Art Institute, Majoring In Interior Design, some public projects are her favorite projects, cafe,hotel, restaurants, though she loves doing public spaces, but private home also be the one of her attention. She is now working as a senior interior designer in one international interior fitting out company in Kingdom of Bahrain, she measures that life is how to be fitted local and abroad, and design is about how to appreciate multicultural and history. She does not only do the interiors, but also exhibitions, and product designs.
Đang sống tại:
Al Muharraq (Bahrain)
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Các cộng đồng:
Al Muharraq, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt

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Vị trí:
Sr. Interior Designer