Simon Air Quality

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Simon Air Quality
 Simon Air Quality
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Simon Air Quality is a service based company that focuses on indoor air quality and everything that pertains to indoor air quality - contaminants, toxins, pollution, emissions, VOCs, allergens, gases, etc.
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Ontario (Canada)
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Sailing/Boating, Cricket
126 Tweed Cres

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Simon Air Quality
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Nghề nghiệp:
Indoor air quality ontario
Vị trí:
126 Tweed Cres

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  • Simon Air Quality
     Simon Air Quality

    Simon Air Quality is a service based company that focuses on indoor air quality and everything that pertains to indoor air quality - contaminants, toxins, pollution, emissions, VOCs, allergens, gases, etc. At Simon Air Quality, we have the tools and equipment required to accurately and efficiently examine indoor environments to find the cause of poor air quality. Radon measurement and radon mitigation can be done for anyone concerned about the radon concentration in their home. Our technicians and experts are fully certified and insured. To reduce the radon in any home, the best method is called active sub-slab depressurization - this is where we install a ventilation system that is capable of drawing on all the radon from the ground beneath the house and then expelling it to the outside so that it doesn't enter the building. Radon experts at Simon Air Quality have the knowledge necessary to properly diagnose/examine any home or basement in order to determine the necessary sizes, feasibility, location, routing, and fan power included in the design of the system. This professional company doesn't just provide services pertaining to indoor air quality, but we also provide many various appliances and devices that help to monitor and/or improve your indoor air quality. Whatever your concern is, our technicians will be there quickly to assess the situation and provide solutions.

    126 Tweed Cres, Russell, ON, K4R1A4, Canada