Verity Carroll

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Verity Carroll
 Verity Carroll
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
Grew up in Wellington, NZ and had never travelled outside until I was 21 and went to Borneo with 3 very good friends, then met my boyfriend who is from Germany, visited once and decided I wanted to live there! Now here I am and trying to overcome language difficulties whilst looking forward to "settling in"
Đang sống tại:
Trier (Germany)
Ngôn ngữ:
German, English
Các cộng đồng:
Cologne, Trier

Cá nhân

Những sở thích:
Animals/Pets, Coffee, tea and conversation, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Dancing
Bài hát ưa thích:
Muse are my fav band, purely because they're super talented apart from that no favourites - anything that's good!
Những bộ phim ưa thích:
Again no favourites, some movies I love, others I won't watch ever again, most I'll happily watch one or two times
Những cuốn sách ưa thích:
The ones I can't put down
Những điều tôi thích:
Coffee-ing with awesome people, having a giggle/laugh, going to events with friends and family, chocolate
Những điều tôi ghét:
Un-necessary meanness and excluding people
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