mahamoud akka

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mahamoud akka
 mahamoud akka
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
hello my dear…. l am very happy to write have sent to inform you that me organize tour in libya desert tourist groups.from it so . the most important desert tourist landmarks distinguished with their natural beauty. The oases are surrounded with sand dunes, and sometimes with lakes, which make all thereof tourist attractive landscapes. This is in addition to the richness of such oases of their cultural heritage and old cities in the area is Ghadames oasis, Ghat oasis, Wadi Elhayat oases, Wadi Eshati oases, Jufra oases. I’m very pleased to be in touch with you Ciao and see yoy soon! KInd regards Mr. Mahmoud Akka
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France, Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Milan

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Những sở thích:
Travel/Sightseeing, Football, libya
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