
Move to Sweden without speaking Swedish

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Hi guys.
After my studies I would like to move together with my girlfriend in Sweden. My only concern is, that (so far) I don't speak a word of Swedish. My girlfriend thinks this won't be a problem as most people in Sweden speak English very well. What do you think?

  • 查看Sara Nyberg's的个人资料

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    It is very difficult to find a job I Sweden if you don’t speak Swedish. I have been working as a private Swedish teacher for over 6 years and have met so many, that have moved to Sweden and have a brilliant education and very good job experiences that can’t find any job. So go to SFI, some of the classes are ok others are not. Folkuniversitetet seems to be a good school or maybe ABF. Private teacher can tailor the lessons for you and it will be easier and faster for you to start speaking and understanding Swedish. It costs a bit more but you will be able to find a job quicker and it will be easier to meet new friends. Swedes are very good at English but will not speak it all the time. Most Expats has probably been to a party or maybe at work where they speak English for about 10-15 minutes and the Swedes use Swedish again. It makes you feel left out and sometimes ignored. So as a teacher who met soo many, please study Swedish. It might be hard but it is worth it./
    Sara, studsyswedish.se

  • Ciao Silvia

    发表 用户已删除 在 瑞典论坛 

    Mi chiamo Stanislav. Sono un slovacco con la cittadinanza italiana. Sto cercando lavoro in Sweden. Perfavore, puoi darmi qualche indicazioni utili per la ricerca di lavoro? Scusa mi per mio italiano.Parlo italiano,inglese,tedesco,polaco e slovaco.

    Tanti saluti!

  • abdelrahman hussein


    发表  abdelrahman hussein 在 瑞典论坛 

    i thought its just me because of my color hahahha but now i undrstand that the person cant get a good a jop in sweden unless he speaks a vry good swedish althought that will take long time
    i wish you all the best

  • abdelrahman hussein

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    Swedish language is vry vyr vry important and its vry hard to find a jop without speaking Swedish UNLESS your girlfriend could help you and i think thats the only way to GET a work because here in Sweden if you know people you get jop but if you dont know anyone then you will be sitting at home .. hela tiden.. means all the time .
    i wish you the best

  • Beppe Beppe

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    beware Guy she look being form form Italy so she tell lots of chat fals staff! as usual do not care.
    How can Spanish be so relevnt in Sweden come on!

    See u

  • Ulises Dominguez

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    i dont fully understand SILVIA? Is the first one to come up with a nonsense remark that have created a bit of a topic_discussion for some people and she is the only ones who hasnt replied to any of us; talking rubbish that if u speak spanish in sweden u can survive well, bullshit: that is a damn bluff
    dont pay attention to such stupid remark

  • 查看Daniel Agüero's的个人资料

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    Hi guys,

    I think is very important to know the language of the country your are visiting, specially if you are looking for a job.
    the native people ever appreciate you know about their habits and local customers.
    To learn some of de principal words you use in any languaje is important, those words can be " Hallo ", " ¿how are you?", "¿can you tell the way to the bus station or a subway?", and so on. This my opinion sincere.

    Take care of you.
    best regards.

  • Silvia Calabrese

    发表  在 瑞典论坛 

    Hi Steffen.
    I agree with your girlfriend, most people in Sweden have a very good command of English (they have a really sweet accent, though :) and you might survive without a word of Swedish, yes.
    However, it would be more than helpful for you for finding a job if you spoke Spanish. And if this won't be a problem I really think you should make the effort if you want to stay there for good! At least out of respect for the people living there. And you will see, although they generally are very nice people they will give you an even warmer welcome when they see you're trying to adapt!
    Have fun in Sweden!
    Regards, Silvia
