2022 The 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (iciea 2022-Europe)
All academic papers will be submitted to technical committee for double-blind peer review, and hew to the reviewing policy of ICIEA. After the reviewing, accepted papers are invited to make presentation onsite or online and to be published via conference proceedings or Journal, which will be index by SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc main datebase.
Conference proceedings for past years have been indexed successfully.
Submission ways:
The online submission system is opened at EasyChair here:
Call for Papers:
Decision Analysis and Methods
E-Business and E-Commerce
Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
Engineering Education and Training
Global Manufacturing and Management
For more topics, please visit: http://iciea.eu/cfp.html
Conference secretary: Dr. Serene Lo
E-mail: secretary_eu@iciea.org
Tell: +1-562-606-1057, +86-13688461344
Chapman Zerkos