Eveil Bilingue

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Eveil Bilingue
 Eveil Bilingue
Viviendo en:
Ile de France (France)
English, French
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Eveil Bilingue
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  • Eveil Bilingue
     Eveil Bilingue

    Eveil bilingue is recruiting english native speakers for part-time baby-sitting and teaching positions.

    Eveil Bilingue is specialized in early language acquisition for 3 -12 years old in the Paris area.

    We are looking for native English speakers experienced in childcare and / or teaching.
    To be considered, you need to be available at least 2 days per week from 4.30 pm and / or full Wednesday.

    As an Eveil Bilingue’s team member, you will be trained to our method developed by experts in child bilingualism. To ensure the success of your placement within a family, we provide a continual follow-up training.

    - Paid training provided
    - Attrative hourly salary
    - French health insurance provided
    - Hours adapted to you schedule
    - Opportunities for bonuses

    Come and join us!

    Apply on our website http://www.eveilbilingue.com/we-are-recruiting/ or send your application to [...]

    Eveil Bilingue recrute des anglophones pour du baby-sitting et des ateliers linguistiques en anglais
    - Salaire attractif
    - Formation rémunérée
    - Travail adapté à votre emploi du temps
    - Vous êtes citoyen de l’U.E / titulaire d’un visa étudiant / travail / vacances. Postulez dès maintenant sur le site www.eveilbilingue.com sur l’onglet « we’re recruiting »