catherine liu

درباره من

catherine liu
 catherine liu
درباره من:
am a middle school teacher of English,SO I CAN COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH. people say i am pretty and fashionable and have good style of dressing.what do you think?MY PHOTOS WERE TAKEN IN APRIL 20TH .I have traditional values .i am slim and fit. my friends describe me as attractive, neat, kind, generous, decent, passionate, elegant, honest, , compassionate, caring, considerate and flexible . I'm a romentic person. i like reading, watching tv and movies, shopping .... i have my own religion and my own direction of life. but i never judge others.i like being free-minded and i try to do the same to others. i am comfortable with what i am now and i am excited about what i am becoming as well. best wishes to all of us in the site. catherine
زندگی در:
Haikou (China)
زبان ها:
English, Chinese
به دنبال:
58 سالها
Australia, China, France, Germany, United States


علاقه مندی ها:
Animals/Pets, Coffee, tea and conversation, Dining out, Politics, Shopping, Travel/Sightseeing, reading
وضعیت ارتباط:


  • catherine liu
     catherine liu

    i am an english teacher in hainan, i am divorced foe 5 years, have a daughter of 19.i am a christian, i am looking for a western christian to date and to marry.