• Dilan Raja


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Dilan Raja في منتدى كندا 

    OK, i can arrange you student visas.
    Your first step is to mail me your CV and passport scan copy to my mail address [...]. The Visa category would be different, if they are staying in Canada illegally we should go with Social Asylum Visa it takes about 6 month to get the Canadian PR documents and one week for the job permit we charge as price list, we also set a case for it, they will be as a refugee in Canada untill they get the Canadian Passport, they offer them monthly salary, place to live, free university, free medication, job permit
    If your customers back in Canada hold any kind of visa and it is not expire, we can offer them a permanent work visa with job offer, in this case they should have job related license and also IELTS and possible interview out side of Canada, it takes about almost 18 month to get proper documents and the price will be as the price list.If there is anything else please let me know.I can give you more detail if you need it.

    from that we will contact from the mail.

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