• gary osborne

    working cyprus

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  gary osborne في منتدى قبرص 

    hi mark
    you will need to speak greek if you want to work here as an elec as there is a test you will need to take to get a job here as a elec . do not let anyone say youy do not as if you work and are not registered they can take you to court and you must be able to speak so greek if you wanna get a good job here work is slowly getting harder to find as trhe real estate is gone to pot so elec work is far few between

    come over meet up and look what or where you wanna live before decieding to come ove for good i suggest it first .

    wages are not high so both need to work if yopu wanna come to enjoy a life here

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