• Hola de España!

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل تم حذف المستخدم في منتدى أسبانيا 

    I just was looking for information from Spain and found this post.
    I had to register mir only for can answer:-))))

    I don t know why you write a post like this.It is just a one experience you had and maybe yourself make wrongs or missunderstandings but it is not a topic for talk in a forum.

    Im German guy living in Spain many years ago and having friends from many nationalities from UK too, Spain is full of english :-))) and other europeans countries and all of we received a very good handle and help or cooperation of so many people that you cannot imagine.

    I choossed this country for live for many reason and all I can tell you are only good things.Here all people is wellcome and spanish people make all be very eassy because they are very open and friendly. And they have a beautiful life style and temperament!

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