Sara Gal

معلومات عني

Sara Gal
 Sara Gal
معلومات عني:
I'm a nice person. Seriously, just find out by yourself. I'm Italian, Turin is my hometown but I've spent the last 5 yrs in London. I'm looking for new friends and possible business at the moment: if you live in Turin or Piedmont and you speak English, you're more than welcome to contact me for these two purposes only.
الإقامة في:
Turin (Italy)
English, Italian
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, معارف العمل
Italy, Turin


Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Movies/Videos, Travel/Sightseeing, Wine tasting, Horseback Riding, Swimming, Walking/Hiking, Yoga, Love snowboarding (unfortunately I'm only a beginner)
الموسيقى المفضلة:
Pop/Rock and Classic/Opera
الأفلام المفضلة:
Lots, prefer to watch Comedies/ Thrillers/ Fantasy/ Old Movies
الكتب المفضلة:
Just started with "Brief Lives of the English Monarchs"
أمور أحبها:
Most socializing in front a cup of tea, or a moijto, depends from the hour
أمور أكرهها:
Unsociable people


  • Sara Gal
     Sara Gal

    Hiya! Anybody out there?? (Er... in Torino)