• Profil uživatele T Y

    easy question

    Publikováno uživatelem  T Y v Fórum Nemecko 

    @ John

    you wrote: "Furthermore can anybody explain to why being an Auslaender/ foreigner carries such a negative stigma in Germany?
    What is wrong with that in the first place?"

    I'm pretty sure you know the answer. Germans firmly believe Germany is the best country, superior to other nations, thus anyone from outside Germany, Ausländer must be inferior. lol Germans either look down on them or pity them.

    very often, conversations with Germans are based on their conviction that Germany is better than our countries, so our opinions and feelings are irrelevant. it's all about their German way being better than ours. the notion of being just different but equal is not acceptable, one must be better than the other. this is the reason why Germans are defending their "rare" manners rather than reflecting on what could make everyone's life a little easier and more pleasant.

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