• Profil uživatele Frank (confidential)


    Publikováno uživatelem  Frank (confidential) v Fórum Nemecko 

    You are right that there are regulations to what one can write in the fineprint and what not (or, if they do, it is invalid).
    But you can be sure that big companies like Parship, who live off such subscription fees as their only income, have good lawyers who checked everything and made sure it is valid before you got to sign it.
    The clause requiring termination with 12 weeks (3 months) written notice (Fax counts as written in German legalese, Email not!) if one wants to prevent a 12 months renewal is pretty common and definitely valid.
    I am not wrong here and I know what I am talking about. You can of course disagree, but it will be a fight with the windmills. If you do, please come back here and report afterwards! If not, I still recommend asking for mercy and suggesting a mutually agreeable solution - as they might well prefer that to a legal struggle even if they are certain to win.

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